Social Action

In response to God’s amazing love we want to be a people who serve and care for other people.

We do this by raising money for charities that support people, volunteering to help local and national charities and offering love and support to those in need in our communities whenever we can.

Here are a few of the ways church members and our church school are putting their faith into action for others

  • Leading the street pastors programme
  • Collecting for the foodbanks and womens refuge
  • Supporting Beson and the One Team
  • Helping at local charity shop
  • Organising events and collections for Christian Aid
  • Serving on the local council and organising food parcels
  • Offering a ministry for supporting married couples

Talking Cafe

In St John the Baptist Church on Tuesdays we host a Talking Cafe from 10:00 to 12:00.  Our church members offer refreshments, while Village Agents are in attendance to help anyone by with a problem for which they don't know where to turn.  At the same time there is a programme of different agencies who visit on a rota basis to give advice and guidance on a variety of topics.  Currently the agencies included are:- Helping Hands, Age UK, Marie Curie, Fire Safety Officers, Support from Deaf Plus.


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