Here are our regular Benefice services. All are welcome
St John the Baptist, Wellington
Sung Eucharist 9:30 every Sunday
Holy Communion (BCP) 8:00am on the second Sunday of the month
Midweek Service at St John the Baptist, Wellington
Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) Thursdays at 10:30
St Mary the Virgin, West Buckland
The regular pattern of services each month is as follows:
1st Sunday of the month Lay-led Morning Worship at 11.00 a.m.
2nd Sunday of the month Holy Communion at 11.00 a.m.
3rd Sunday of the month Join St John’s Holy Communion at 9.30 a.m.
4th Sunday of the month Holy Communion at 11.00 a.m..
Worship at home
The ‘Home Service’ is a weekly programme which brings Christian worship into your
front room. It is broadcast on 105.3 FM on Wednesdays at 11.00 am. and repeated
Sunday at 10.00 am. It’s also available via the internet at any time on
Header Text
Header Text
We are a welcoming, open and inclusive church, meeting in the centre of the community. Whether you are looking to join the church family on a regular basis, or are enquiring about becoming part of the church for a special event, such as a wedding or a baptism, these pages should give you all that you need to know.