Whole life Discipleship

We believe that every day offers us the opportunity for learning more about God’s love and how to love our neighbours and ourselves.

People connected to the Wellington and West Buckland Benefice continue to find creative ways to explore worship, prayer and bible study together 

We offer opportunities for prayer worship and bible study in a range of styles and at different times of the week

Midweek Eucharists
Traditional BCP services
Occasional Evensong
School services
Nursing home services
Home communions
Access to training through Bath and Wells and
       our connections with a large number of other organisations


We are blessed with local worship assistants, village chaplains, pastoral visitors, church wardens and chaplains who develop skills to support individuals and small groups to explore whole life discipleship. We also have a library of books about the Christian faith and mission and resources for mission that can be borrowed from St John’s church

For more information contact or Reader
Tracey Richbell 07824 516615

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