Local Links within town and country


Rural Ministries have supported us with funding to develop our missional work in the rural churches

Our Diocese is Bath and Wells Their website has many useful resources

Churches together in Wellington has representatives from all the major churches and we hold events both social and spiritual together

Wellington and the surrounding area has a vibrant community and there are many organisations locally with whom we work. 

Wellington Town Council is supportive of the local churches 

The Russell Food Bank has its headquarters in Taunton, but has drop off points in Wellington, such as Watirose and Asda

Life Central in Wellington joins with us for some of our missional work.  The main Christian Aid contact is through them

Besom is a charity also based in Taunton, but with whom we have connections.  They are a bridge between those members and groups from local churches in the Taunton and Wellington area who want to give and those who are in need.

Nynehead church has a special relationship with Nynehead Court (a local residential home)

West Buckland Church has a special relationship with West Buckland Primary School, hosting them for many events.



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