The churches of

St John the Baptist Wellington

and St Mary the Virgin West Buckland

Diocese of Bath and Wells

Good news from St John's Church


Good news from St John’s

The recent Coffee Morning organised by Lenore Clarke and her brilliant volunteers in aid of church funds raised an incredible £1051.00. Thank you to everyone who contributed cakes, jars of jam and marmalade, plants, garden equipment and raffle prizes. Thank you to those who served drinks and those who manned the stalls. And of course, many thanks to those who came to buy and support the cause. Finally, a huge ‘thank you’ and congratulations to the wonderful Lenore.


Hazel Prior, the Somerset author and musician, is giving us an opportunity on Friday 12th July at 7.30 p.m to raise funds for St John’s Church when, in conjunction with the Bookshop by the Blackdowns, she will be presenting an entertainment of readings, Celtic harp playing and one-to-one chat. Very generously Hazel will be performing for no fee to help St John’s maximise its fund-raising efforts. Admission at £10 includes a slice of hot pizza served from about 8.30. There will be the opportunity to purchase novels (cards or cash) written by Hazel and a selection of other books from the Bookshop by the Blackdowns bookstall. Your purchase of any books written by Hazel can be signed by the author. In addition, for the first six purchases of a book by Hazel there is the offer of a FREE novel by Richard Coles, Murder before Evensong.

Tickets can be bought through or at the door from 7 p.m.

Anthony Knight plays for Unicef

Last Sunday (30 June) after the Communion service we were very fortunate to have the young and very talented violinist Anthony Knight play to an audience of St John’s church members on his European tour to raise funds for UNICEF.

Millions of children worldwide need UNICEF help at the moment. During the last nine months Anthony has raised a total of £11000 of his £20000 target. Those who stayed on to support him contributed £179.20 in cash. Anthony sends his thanks. If anyone who couldn't make it, but would like to sponsor Anthony, they can do so by going to 'gofundme' and search 'anthony's grand tour'. Alternatively, they can click on the link:

From September Anthony will be a student at the Royal College of Music, London.



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